Best of Reels When Vacations become EXPEDITIONS Aiding a manta wrapped in rope. The “flying” sea snakes of Gili Manuk, Indonesia.The iconic White-tip shark night dive. “Classic Trip Videos” (+10mins) The Solomon Islands one of our top 3 destinations.14 days of diving in Raja Ampat from the live-aboard, Arenui. Diving in Cozumel, between hurricanes. Tonga’s Humpback WhalesDiving Ambon, Indonesia from the live-aboard Dewi Nusantara. Maybe our favorite live-aboard.Cocos Island during El NinoSolomons Islands from the live-aboard Bilikiki. Attempt at a highlight reel.San Ignacio Lagoon, where Grey Whales seek out human contact.Komodo Indonesia. Dove from the live-aboard the Dami I.San Ignacio Lagoon where Grey Whales seek out human touch. A behavior they are teaching their calves.Travel to Tonga to witness the amazing spectacle of Humpback Whale mothers with their newborn calves.